Naca four digit airfoil generator
Naca four digit airfoil generator

The last two integers represent the thickness in percent of chord. The second and third integers indicate twice the distance from the leading edge to the location of the maximum camber. The first integer is the amount of camber in terms of the magnitude of the design lift coefficient. In the NACA 5-digit airfoils, the naming convention is based on the theoretical design characteristics of the airfoil. A NACA 4212 has a 4 percent camber that whose maximum value is located at 20 percent of chord and is 12 percent thick. The second integer indicates the location of that maximum measured from the leading edge in percent of chord and the last two integers represent the maximum thickness of the airfoil in percent.

naca four digit airfoil generator

In the 4-digit airfoils, the first integer indicates the maximum value ordinate of the mean line in percent of chord. NACA airfoils developed in the 1930’s and 40’s use a consistent naming convention that is based on the airfoil thickness and shape of the camber line.

Naca four digit airfoil generator